Saturday, 5 March 2016

~ gender equality research ~!what-real-men-cry-like/lx6y2

This project is a perfect example of something visual that calls out gender in-equalitys from both a male and female perspective. 

It addresses and challenges the medias vision that men shouldn't cry and that women should laugh 'ugly'. 

Friday, 4 March 2016

Desire lecture notes

Jacques lacan - unconscious is structured like a language and allows for semiotics. A distinction between needs and desires. Needs can be satisfied, desire can never be satisfied.

Sigmund Freud - wanted to cure hysteria, manifested from psychic trauma

Repression and the unconscious - post traumatic stress disorder, find a way into consciousness via symptoms, they can be solved through confronting these memories though therapy.

Primative drives, Eros (libido), Thanatos (death instinct) instinct that balences the libido

Post war people craving milk effected the way ice cream was marketed (sexually and geotescally)

Vance packar- Marlboro

Rosiline Gill - feminist writer - talking about how sexual gender constructs of women not only effect the way men see women but women begin to conform and become the sexualised objects society expects them to be, a very problematic paradox created by advertising. This related back to laucans theory of unattainable satisfaction of desire when it's in fact an insatiable feeling. Zizek-how to read laucan & the perverts guide to cinema/ideology

Return to infantile comfort- can explain certain fetishes, to loose all control and become dependent on others

Process of metonymy

Desire is to be desired