Thursday, 26 February 2015

COP - Practical based workshop (OUGD401)

Now the essay first draft is complete I have to start thinking about my practical element to the module. The practical will have to relate back to the essay question and show how branding effects consumerism. I need to consider techniques, content and communication.

Techniques related with consumerism:
Photography- give a professional look
Photoshop- People see an improved and ''perfect version of people and products
Layout- To make the message clear and organised
Type- Certain typefaces have certain connotations (Helvetica-minimal, Comic sans-childish)
Grids- Balance and brand identity over a range
Graphic style- To appeal to a certain audience
Digital- Of its age
Analogue- People like something physical to hold/touch

Taglines- Make a brand memorable in more than just a visual way
Photography- People know how products work/operate/look
Illustrations- ''
Type- To inform
Logos- Recognisable to people
Colour pallets- Brand identity and different colours have different connotations
Symbols- Worldwide understanding and recognition

Sophistication- Quality over other brands
Value- Basic ranges, better value than others
Class- The idea products can improve social status and happiness
Clarity- Clear message, often hides negatives
Fun- Images and colours to suggest an effect on social interaction (CK advert)
Minimal- Slick and high end and easy to use
Personality- Create a bond on a human level between brand and consumer
Benefits- Suggesting buying things will have positive repercussions in life
Attractiveness- The idea people will be more desirable because of a product (Wonderbra)
Gender- Takes advantage of societies gender roles (femininity due to perfume etc.) 

I can use analysis in my practical work in the form of research. I will look into the reasons similar products are more successful than others and adapt my designs to compete. 

Research into appealing brands and things like colours theory and people favourite colours to create an optimum desirable product. (read book 'on brand')

I can use evaluation to justify my informed decisions and show how it further answers the module question.

Testing my product using surveys and others opinions will let me know if my final product is successful in proving a point.

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