Monday 26 October 2015

~ Sexual revolution - practical application ~

I've decided my essay question will be along the lines of how sexual revolution and sexuality affects the creative industry and vice versa. This is some initial research into applied creative examples that have relevance to the topic. Sexual revolution is known as being a movement and turning point from the 60's to the 80's where people became liberated and 'sex' became less of a taboo subject. Personally I think since then sex has become further revolutionised and fetish sex, homosexuality, gender fluidity are all becoming more prominently integrated into both culture and the general media.

Sarah Lucas' work is heavily influenced by sexual culture and feminism. Her work often breaks boundaries in the exploration of objectification of women and sex within modern day culture.

Egon Schiele and Sigmund Freud were known to be influenced by each other in their psychological and artistic practices. They predate what's known as the sexual revolution but their work is definitely relevant and considered as part of the revolution in modern day society due to their exploration of sexuality and its impression on our lives.

 Tracey Emin is also an influential contemporary artist who uses sexuality as a running theme within her work, often making statements on un-equality and sexual freedom.

Masters and Johnson were influential in the sexual revolution as they pioneered in the nature of human sexual response and the treatment of sexual disfunction. Despite being labeled as perverts by many in society they successfully went on to publish several books and inspire many to embrace their sexuality as a matter of pleasure and freedom rather than just a means to have children.

The 60's brought hippie subcultures together who produced psychedelic style graphic design and promotional material for the sexual revolution. With this also came Woodstock, the legendary marriage of peace, love, drugs, music and sex.

But for all the advertising promoting the sexual revolution came an equal amount trying to counteract this with posters like the one above. 

When looking at sexual expression through art a lot of the context behind them is feminism. They're expressions of the repression women feel in modern society and are themselves revolutionary. Activist groups such as the Guerrilla girls protest their rights as women in connection to women's overall rights and in terms of art.

The next step in a sexual timeline of ever growing revolution is the equality of women, transgender and genderfluid people.

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