Tuesday 7 October 2014

COP Briefing (OUGD401)

Context of practice briefing

We had our first COP briefing and this brief needs to be submitted by 05/05/15.

Our COP grade will be made up of 3 parts, our blog that includes all notes on lectures, a 3000 word essay and a body of practical work. Our essays first draft needs to be turned in by 10/02/15. We need to learn how to use the Harvard referencing system and apply it to our essay. 

This brief is called 'This is graphic design'.

Over the year we will go to lectures, seminars and workshops based around 5 different categories of which we will need to choose one to research further and base our essay upon. The categories are...

  • Modernism-To what extent have Modernist design principles influenced contemporary Graphic Design?”
  • Postmodernism-How did Postmodernism impact on Graphic Design practice?
  • Gender representation-To what extent does advertising construct our ideas of gender?
  • Social/political-Discuss the role that Graphic Design has played in Political and/or social change in a specific period in history.
  • Consumerism-What is the relationship between branding and The Consumer Self (Ewen)
Out of these 5 the ones that initially stand out to me are gender representation and consumerism. I find these two subjects really interesting already and I think id be able to loose myself in them the easiest but im going to wait until iv explored the other possibilities a little further before I forget about the other subjects as they all seem pretty interesting.

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