Wednesday 17 August 2016

~ COP3 Timeplan ~

06/10/2016 - Module briefing

Week one - Initial research and decide on a question

13/10/2016 - Tutorial one - discuss question and have an essay plan/structure and plan for research 

Week 2 - Begin reading and researching chosen question

Week 3 - Primary research - visit to FAN archives

17/11/2016 - Progress tutorial two - Have first draft (3000+ words written) and a clear plan and lots of research done for the rest of the dissertation

27/11/2016 - Turnitin submission for interim draft submission

01/12/2016 - Tutorial three - Discuss first draft and potential initial ideas for practical outcome

05/12/2016 - Re-briefing

Christmas break - Have full dissertation at a second draft level - around 9000 words completed with exception of conclusion - have practical research complete and begin to design

04/01/2017 - Submission briefing

Two weeks til submission - Make final edits to dissertation, bind final draft, produce physical work and design boards

12/01/2017 - Submit

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