Thursday 18 August 2016

~ Case study 1 - Leeds revolutionary feminist group ~

The Leeds Revolutionary Feminist Group was a feminist organisation active in the United Kingdom in the 1970s and 1980s. Although there was a number of feminist groups in the UK at the time this Leeds based group was internationally recognised. The group is considered to be part of second wave radical feminism & their views are certainly extreme. 

The group became known firstly for its Reclaim the night marches in November 1977. The marches being a reaction to The Yorkshire ripper, in order to state that women should not feel unsafe walking the streets at night, hence the name. 

The second is the publication of the pamphlet Political Lesbianism: The Case Against Heterosexuality, which advocated political lesbianism.

The pamphlet goes though a series of points saying that all feminists should be 'political lesbians' the definition of which being... - pg 5

Pg.6 - points against feminists in heterosexual relationships

Pg.12 - reaction letter to the pamphlet by Wires

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