Monday 21 November 2016

~ COP Practical ideas .. ~

- Write & design collateral (website/publication/posters) for an LGBT friendly advertising pledge/manifesto. This would be open to advertising/graphic design agencies and brand names to sign their name to. Similar to this one

- Anti trump campaign - Posters, badges, etc. 

- Bar/event branding for a gay club -

- Create adverts aimed at an LGBT audience using what i've learnt; this could be quite difficult as the distinctions between are often very subtle & photography based

- Create a crowdfunded gay themed magazine

Mushpit magazine -

Bertie Brandes: Do it. Just do it. You learn the most from actually physically making it and the processes involved. I’d say it’s important to decide what you’re talking about and not make it for the sake of it –  it’s much more fun if you have a voice or person in mind, because obviously it’s a very crowded scene out there. Also, team up with people around you. That’s the most fun part of it. Use what materials you have available to you, so if you do just want to do an online magazine, and you only want to do it that way, or if you have access to a photocopier make posters – just do what you can.'

The magazine takes a satirical approach to modern day advertising and publishing aimed at women. Challenging femininity and social constructs. I would like to create a similar publication but aimed at the LGBT audience. Through my research into the underground press and it's contrast the the new age, celeb based queer publications I have seen a gap in the market for modern day queer activism through publications.

The aim is to create a magazine that talks about real queer issues rather than consumer based magazines telling us what to wear and which celebs should be our gay icons. It will focus on activists and real world issues and all 'adverts' will serve no purpose other than to promote charities and brands that support the cause fully.

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