Monday 21 November 2016

~ Cop practical - magazine ideas ~

The idea for my practical is to create a brand identity, promotion and some samples of a first issue for a crowdfunded gay women's magazine. Any other advertising that could be used to fund the magazine would be fully checked against a manifesto protecting the queer community. The companies must be supportive and give to LGBT charities and be willing to give accurate and all inclusive representation of gay women. 

Articles within the magazine would be about activism, queer women within the community, queer art, queer music etc.

Zine style satirical advertising would also be designed as a social commentary on the issues within the advertising industry and their use of the queer community as a way of making a quick buck and capitalising on the so called 'disposable income' of LGBT people.

The identity will not follow contemporary styles used by queer magazines. Instead it will be informed by the much more meaningful historic examples of queer publishing found in the underground press.

Name ideas 

- Womin, Womyn, wommon, wimmin - several alternative spellings of the English word women used by some feminists.

- pink - The pink triangle is a symbol initially used by nazi camps to identify homosexuals - these days it is used to represent gay activism and liberation. Lowercase as PINK magazine already exists and is a children's magazine. 

- Triangle - alternative name with the same connotations as pink.

- Chapstick - term for lesbians who are not 'dykes' or 'femme'

I decided that due to the magazine having a theme of historic value and to be based on historic references of lesbian magazines that pink was the most appropriate name. The idea behind the pink triangle has deep historic reference and is representative of liberation and activism. 

In choosing the typeface to 'brand' the magazine I wanted something that had real personality. Something that represented the 'difference' felt by the LGBT community and to 'own' it as our own. 

I decided that Savate was the best font for expressing the personality needed. It is a sans serif font that has subtle quirks making it individual and memorable. 

pink manifesto

- pink magazine is a queer publication - fighting against contemporary LGBT press and creating a mag filled with real life stories, issues and comedic value just like the good old days.

- The magazine will mainly initially rely on crowdfunding of people wanting to purchase a copy to produce it.

- Any adverts/brands featured within will agree to fairly represent the LGBT community and not just use representation for the purpose of capitalising on a niche market.

- All artists, musicians, writers and contributors to the magazine are members or in active support of the LGBT community and related activism.

- We aim to both make political & social commentaries and purely entertain.

Finding contributors

pink magazine is looking for contributors!

If you are a queer (or just have something to say) artist, musician, writer, poet, creative, alien, anything and think you could contribute to an LGBT magazine then WE NEED YOU!

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