Tuesday 8 November 2016

~ Questions for dissertation interviews ~

1. Can you think of any positive representations of LGBT people in the media?

2. Can you think of any negative representations of LGBT people in the media? (make into one question)

3. How do you think such representations effect people?

4. do you think the representations are accurate?

5. Do LGBT people prefer targeted things? or is this an assumption? why? being able to relate? 

Focus group - conversational tone - mix of people (in and out of the LGBT community). 

subjective - to individuals experiences 

approach LGBT societies at bigger universities 

what other characteristics other than sexuality are present

Image from Yorkshire Sculpture parks wedding brochure.

Ray Ban advert

Ikea Italy advert

Smirnoff advert 

Tiffany & co. advert

1. Are you more likely to watch a film/TV programme that includes LGBT representation? (Example images)

2. Why?

3. Are you more likely to find a brand more appealing/buy a brand that directly appeals to an LGBT audience? (Example images)

4. Why?

5. What examples of LGBT representation in the media and advertising are you aware of?

To target a specific LGBT audience for my questionnaire and try and get as many responses as possible I will contact LGBT groups, university societies etc. directly. 

Hi there, I am currently writing my dissertation on the subject of the representation of the LGBT community in the media/TV/film/advertising. I have set up an anonymous questionnaire specifically targeted at LGBT individuals and wondered if you could send the link to the members of your group to fill in? Thank-you Izzie

Points of contact for the questionnaire (found from contact with university SU's)

lgbtq@lancaster.ac.uk  (Lancaster university)
https://www.facebook.com/huulgbt/?fref=ts (Hull university)


Final questionnaire - written so it can be inclusively answered by all - but will be directed more at an LGBT audience to get relevant information and answers. 

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