Wednesday, 11 March 2015

how to write a successful essay - study task 6

For this study task I read 2 dissertations to get an idea of how mine should sound and be structured.

Dissertation 1 was "Should good Typography be invisible? by William Skane-Davis 2011-2012"

Dissertation 2  was "Is print still relevant within the Digital Age? by Nathan Bolton 2014-2014"

I read these two dissertations and they gave me a good insight of the type of language that should be used when writing a formal essay and the appropriate structure. I wanted to read ones not related to the subject I was writing about so I could focus more on structure rather than content.

The first essay didn't use language that was too academic so I found it easy to understand, i'm still unsure how appropriate this is but it was comforting to know you don't have to be too formal to be successful. I felt this writing style was successful was that he always backed up each point made with quotes and evidence. I really liked that he had conducted his own interviews for his essay and although its not something I can apply to mine currently I will consider this when writing in future as its a great source of original content.

The second essay used much more academic terminology and I think this gave me a better idea of how I should aim to be writing my essays to gain higher marks. The passion about the subject was clear but everything was still informed and well backed up. The structure was also really good, using separation between sections really clearly. This is something I need to work on in my essay writing.

The three main things I learnt from this study task are...
1. My tone of voice needs to become less casual and more academic, this could envolve broadening my vocabulary and avoiding certain terminology. 

2. In future i could conduct email interveiws with people (writers) to get a good source of origional content

3. My structure needs to be clearer, introduce a theory, give examples, case study.

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