Wednesday 25 March 2015

Frosty jacks rebrand - Brand personality plan

In this brief I need to consider; consistency, brand personality, colour theory, audience, values, familiarity.

Consistency - making sure once my logo, colour scheme and typeface are decided that I stick to these so all related products and marketing are easily recognizable.

Brand personality - this is really important, I want to give off a friendly, trustworthy, fun and high class brand. I want people to look at it and think it was worthy of their money.

Colour theory - looking into the connotations of colour and effects on peoples perceptions of brands due to their use is key to creating a good brand.

Audience - The current audience is considered to be people wanting something cheap and not necessarily good quality. Usually a get drunk cheap and easy solution. My aim is to change this, for the brand to become something people would be proud to drink and think of as high quality.

Values - I dont want the values of my brand to seem negative. I want to promote drinking for please and fun but also in good taste. The current brand suggests to me the values are to serve a purpose to people who possibly drink for the wrong reasons.

Familiarity - I want this to be a re-brand and reemerging of a recognizable product. I want to keep the blue element as this seems to be the best quality of the brand and suggests trustworthiness.

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