Thursday 13 October 2016

~ Case study 2 - Radical feminism ~

Another group of second wave radical feminists The Redstockings has opposing views to the Leeds group in terms of lesbianism and the inclusion of heterosexual women and even men in feminism. 

Image showing the 'cut and stick' aesthetic that powerfully identifies radical feminist activism during the second wave.

This book Sisterhood is Powerful is a collective anthology produced by the Redstockings group. These are some extracts from the book.

Another noteworthy radical feminist is Valerie Solonas, known for shooting and trying to kill Andy Warhol and her book S.C.U.M (Society for Cutting Up Men). 

Alike the Leeds lesbian feminist movement she believed men should be eradicated to the point she felt women should reproduce without men making only more women until the male race was no longer existent. 

Catch up note for self - Leeds feminist movement believed in political lesbianism. The redstockings believed men could also be feminists but only when willing to be treated like a women by both other men and women. And Valerie Solonas believed the world should eradicate men via women/women breeding and womens sex drive was a waste of time that could be mentally conditioned to no longer exist. 

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