Thursday 13 October 2016

~ The three waves of feminism & homosexuality ~

The first wave (1830’s – early 1900’s): Women’s fight for equal contract and property rights
Often taken for granted, women in the late 19th to early 20th centuries, realized that they must first gain political power (including the right to vote) to bring about change was how to fuel the fire. Their political agenda expanded to issues concerning sexual, reproductive and economic matters. The seed was planted that women have the potential to contribute just as much if not more than men.

Second wave feminism - Coming off the heels of World War II, the second wave of feminism focused on the workplace, sexuality, family and reproductive rights. During a time when the United States was already trying to restructure itself, it was perceived that women had met their equality goals with the exception of the failure of the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment (which has still yet to be passed).
Second wave feminism is when the gay rights movement became an important factor. Second wave feminism is often mis-identified obsessive, outdated and associated with middle class white womens issues. Second wave feminism is actually defined as being started by a man and a women, John F Kennedy and Eleanor Rosavelt. 

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