Sunday 3 May 2015

Final re-brand design production (OUGD401)

My final label design consists of the pattern (portrait format) with ‘Frosty Jacks, premium apple cider’ in Futura. I've kept it really simple as I've decided to vinyl cut the label and stick this onto the bottle so you could see through it where the pattern was so the brand interacted with the packaging (inspired by the patterned bottles in my research). I like how ice is also see through so it relates to the brands name well.

Video of the label being cut out.

This is my label before it was on the bottle. Once it had been laser cut I had to take all the snowflake strokes out by hand. This was very time consuming so for mass production im sure a machine could do this part or the design could be painted onto the bottle and have the same interaction effect.

I got my label cut from matte vinyl and placed it onto the bottle I previously chose. When the light comes through the iconic blue bottle its a really striking and memorable image. It looks a lot cleaner, higher impact and higher class than the current branding.

I think this re-brand is successful as every element is informed by the target audience and creating a strong and positive brand personality. The typeface is sans serif and geometric, this is appealing as it looks clean and professional attracting people who want to portray these aspects about themselves. The colours blue and black makes the brand personality intelligent, loyal, confident, elegant and powerful. I hope the colour choices appeal to people as my research into consumerism suggests people buy products who have desirable qualities they want to portray about themselves. The packaging choice is really unusual and will be appealing to people who like being out of the ordinary and original and also makes the cider stand out from generic looking brands. The pattern is informed by the name and the idea it will appeal as a cold drink you can really enjoy especially in summer as it will refresh you. 

Overall I think this project has been successful in making the branding more effective and appeal to a bigger target audience that will be willing to pay more for the product. It also makes the product more applicable to being sold in bars rather than just shops. But the real way of seeing the success is by asking people to compare the two.

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