Monday 4 May 2015

Product survey - frosty jacks re-brand

I showed people a photo of the original branding and my re-brand and firstly asked for some words describing each one.

- cheap
- dirty
- ugly
- postmodern
- jumbled
- grungy
- juvenile
- scattered
- informative
- unorganised
- cluttered
- disgusting

- clean
- expensive
- luxury 
- sophisticated
- modernist
- bright
- poised
- elegant
- modern 
- clean
- fresh
- stylised

I also got a few statement opinions on the re-brand to inform me of how successful I had been.

‘‘it looks so good i’d drink frosty jacks if it came in that’’

‘‘it might even convince me to pop a bottle of Frosty Jacks’’

This research into peoples onions made me certain the choices I had made during my design process were well informed and successful. I had taken a product previously looked at as very negative and unappealing to many and made it into an item of luxury and style. I am confident this now aims towards a much higher class and priced market and overall if the company would make these changes would give them much more sales success. 

The point of this re-brand was to show the effect branding has on the consumer self. I think this evidence quite clearly shows how changing the branding of a product can drastically change peoples opinion. Everyone I asked has tried the product and still knows its unpleasant but admitted just from the brand aesthetic they would be much more inclined to buy it. The relationship between branding and the way a consumer feels it will effect them negatively or positively is huge and easily manipulated.

Just like the example in my essay of Apple re-branding their phones yearly I think this re-brand would have a huge effect on the consumer. A whole new market would be interested and feel almost as if they were being treated to a whole new selection of cider never seen before, when in reality it had been there all along.

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