Monday 4 May 2015

Product placement

I found this web article that explains how product placement on shelves works. Basically the high up shelves are usually for specialist items that people know what they're looking for when they go to shop (example gluten free, dairy free). The shelf at eye level is called the bulls eye shelf, its for the best selling products that you're most likely to see first. Below you usually have a child's eye level shelf (not for alcohol of course) for products that are most appealing to children. Then lastly the cheapest products are usually lower down, the shops make less profit so they don't want them to be the most obvious.

For primary research into product placement on shelves specific to my branding I looked at where I would expect my product to be placed. As you can see my glass bottle cider re-brand would go at the top of the fridge right in peoples bullseye viewpoint. The different colour and shape of the bottle would definitely stand out among these other bottles as they are all similar.

This image shows where the previous brand of frosty jacks would be placed with the other cheap ciders in plastic bottles. They're not even in the fridge and they're right at the bottom where nobody will notice them. Just by looking at this I know my re-brand will change the placement of the product and make the sales of it more successful.

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