Tuesday 19 April 2016

~ Brand identity - zine ~

I chose to use Futura condensed extra-bold for the header typeface - it's an extremely bold typeface meaning it has high and instant impact. I want this to create a brand that's easily recognisable and strong.

For the body copy typeface I chose to use RM typewriter - This has a much more personal and hand produced feel to it. It's appropriate as most campaign material particularly in the time of the sexual revolution will of been hand produced posters and zines using methods such as typewriter and photocopying - I wanted my design to appropriately mirror my research and its roots in this way.

My choice of colour was based upon the idea of changing the way we see the human body. I wanted it to represent flesh and also the societal idea of femininity and the colour pink. To use an iconic colour surrounding femininity with images of honest female form and body hair gives a good contrast.

In terms of images I created some illustrations representing hairy women as it's incredibly hard to actually source images of none shaven women online. The brush pen aesthetic contrasts the bold digital typeface well giving the campaign a strong and diverse brand identity. 

I also chose to use duo-tone effect using my pink swatch colour for the photographs. So when producing say a large distribution of posters, books or leaflets they could essentially printed using a litho-printer using just two inks, spot color pink and black this reduces costs and keeps the overall brand constant. 

I created 3 binding boxes within the format of my publication/zine all equally spaced. These boxes became the running lines for my images to be placed upon. I wanted my images to seem randomly placed and mimic the cut and stick attitude of traditional campaign zines in the 60's but by using the binding boxes the publication still has balance and continuity. 

These are my final layouts for the zine; it features a basic overview of what the campaign is about and its overall concept & importance for both females and males. I also featured some of my illustrations relevant art photography that links to the project and concept (a source list has been included to allow readers to do their own personal research into the issue as a whole).

For the cover i've decided to print the title onto pink stock (slightly thicker than the main stock) to give the overall publication a more professional and strong feel. I will then print this illustrated hair pattern onto some translucent stock (either acetate or tracing paper) to be bound over the top of it. 

For the cover of the publication and the leaflets I have selected Candy Pink color plan 135 gsm; its a similar shade of pink to the print colour i've used for the overall brand and will slightly contrast with the overall finish. 

Once again continuing the brand's colour scheme i've chosen to use this pink and white thread to stitch bind the zine.

http://issuu.com/izzieglazzard/docs/zine This is the link to my final digital zine uploaded to Issuu. 

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