Monday 4 April 2016

~ Practical research and exploration ~

I came across this project by Top Girl Studio called 'the slut, the bitch and the virgin'. Her publications are a commentary on the thoughts and journeys of the average modern day woman. They're very inspiring to me as their sheer honesty is something not available within popular culture; if women were exposed more regularly to the honest thoughts of other women possibly this could relieve some of the pressure put on women by the media to look and act a certain way. 

With the consideration of printed media and publication design I came up with the idea of possibly producing my own stock for the project containing women's hair (it would be a shock tactic that would grab attention and really get people talking about the issue).

Many argue that the idea women should be hairless has been integrated more and more through pornography; but mass media adverts like the Veet one above show its a huge issue within popular culture. 

As a women and from speaking to others most only bother to shave in summer and when trying to impress someone they want to find them attractive; and if it was more socially acceptable to embrace your body hair most would do so. 

Much like valentines day, shaving your armpits and lady bits is a very effective marketing campaign designed to make people buy products. But this Photographer (Ben Hopper) has taken and alternate approach to the issue by taking beautiful portraits of women who do choose to embrace their natural body hair by letting it grow.

Some celebrity figures such as Miley Cyrus and Madonna have been photographed embracing their underarm hair. Examples like this could be used within a campaign much like celebrity endorsement; as of course popular culture and mainstream icons always have the most impact on the way people think about body image. 

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