Friday 22 April 2016

~ Final outcomes ~ 

I am really happy with the overall final outcome of this brief as it's all consistent in terms of colour sheme, type, stock and brand identity. It works together well as a campaign as a whole and successfully portrays its message.

This is a gif showing the final leaflet I printed on the Colour-plan candy pink stock; when folded it is a mysterious leaflet, the context becoming apparent when opened up. 

The 1st cover page (title) is acetate; allowing for an appealing professional finish. The title page then interacts with the underlying hair pattern (also printed on colorplan candy pink stock). It gives the cover and initial look of the zine another dimension; enticing people to look within.

For the inner spreads of the publication I used a matte 120gsm stock as this was just slightly thinner than the cover pages yet still a good thickness to feel high quality and be robust.

The posters were printed on the same stock as the inner pages of the zine, using the same coloured ink as the duotone images once again keeping the package consistent.

I also used the illustrations I produced as part of the brand identity and zines contents. I screen printed these onto t-shirts to accompany everything as part of a promotional package. The idea is individuals or establishments could buy packages and help spread the word; the money raised would go towards gaining awareness of the issues discussed in the campaign and essay.

Another promotional gif - tagline to be used on web platforms.

Lastly I produced underwear with the hair pattern (used on the front of the zine) screen printed on the front. The underwear acts as more promotional material for the cause; promoting the idea you can still be attractive with natural body hair.

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