Thursday 14 April 2016

~ Petra Collins ~

Petra Collins - this video interveiw with Petra Collins gives good insight into the reasons why womens body hair awareness is important. She discusses being teased in school for refusing to shave and the journey of accepting her natural body and the confidence it gave her. Stopping shaving helped her in overcoming an eating disorder, she described it as "why are we shaving off something that naturally just wants to grow". 

Back to the issue of Instagram censoring 'nudity' and sexual images her image of her in underwear with an unshaven bikini line was taken down even though it shows no nudity at all. Whereas many bikini and underwear pics are uploaded to Instagram daily with no issues raised because there's no hair showing.

Body hair isn't the only thing Petras work focuses on she empowers all elements of the natural female body including shape, stretchmarks, periods. Body hair is one part of a big problem women face trying to look like the airbrushed models that are scattered all over popular media. 

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