Tuesday, 10 January 2017

~ Pink Manifesto - Commercial production considerations ~

The printing of the final physical manifestos was made successful through the process of risograph printing. This was successful in creating an effectively quick print solution that would allow me to print a bright blue (brighter than CMYK printing will allow) onto pink stock. Also creating a DIY hand produced feeling/aesthetic to the design which adds approachability and friendliness. The small run was made pretty costly as the master page is a set price of nearly £30 so this became the minimum cost without paper or ink.

In terms of 'mass production' if the manifesto was to be produced commercially the print run would be much larger making the riso printing process even more effective as larger runs are more and more affordable as you pay much less for ink and stock in comparison. Comparatively this process is more affordable than lazer printing and more effective as my choice of colour and stock is much larger.

In reflection if the run was larger I would of searcher further a field to produce the design in A2 as I feel an even bigger version would create maximum impact. This high impact design is needed as the brands who are part of the target market may ignore very plain and simple mail so this would need to stand out in order to capture and hold attention. It could then be hung in the offices/studios of the receiver as a reminder of the pledge rules; the more bold in size and colour the more effective. I would also aim to get the bright blue even brighter (IK Blue) so it perfectly matches the identity used within the website.

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