Thursday 5 January 2017

~ Questionnaire results ~

Q4 - why?
can identify myself with the character better and let's be real, Lgbt couples are cute af11/12/2016 11:33 AM View respondent's answers
It's nice to see more accuracy in the world we live in. The world isn't as cishet as we're made to believe we're in. It's comforting to remember that I - and millions of others - are recognised and do belong.
11/12/2016 11:27 AM View respondent's answers
Because these movies and tv shows often makes a bigger impression on me than when there is heterosexual couples. It's more relatable.
11/12/2016 10:57 AM View respondent's answers
I feel like we need more representation in the media other than "here is a gay character and they are dead"
11/12/2016 10:05 AM View respondent's answers
It's good to be represented.
11/12/2016 7:42 AM View respondent's answers
Cause I'm gay and I want to see myself represented, so I'm more likely to watch if there are lesbians
11/12/2016 12:12 AM View respondent's answers
Little representation and widespread media forces me to be excited for LGBT roles, no matter what the character is
11/11/2016 11:27 PM View respondent's answers
Watching such series allows me to view the advancement we've done in acceptance and also helps know how mass media is teaching others.
11/11/2016 3:49 PM View respondent's answers
If the story lines good I don't care.
11/11/2016 3:45 PM View respondent's answers
Easier to relate to characters.
11/11/2016 10:51 AM View respondent's answers
It's exciting to see LGBT people represented on screen, especially in diverse and interesting ways.
11/11/2016 6:46 AM View respondent's answers
It's important for diversity
11/11/2016 5:42 AM View respondent's answers
I identify with the culture
11/11/2016 1:05 AM View respondent's answers
Most the time the characters are so stereotypical it hurts
11/10/2016 9:08 PM View respondent's answers
I enjoy character diversity and this is hugely represented in varying sexualities and genders.
11/10/2016 9:06 PM View respondent's answers
Because I relate better to homosexual couples than heterosexual
11/10/2016 9:04 PM View respondent's answers
Reflects my personal existence better
11/10/2016 8:55 PM View respondent's answers
I enjoy living vicariously through characters lives and relationships I'll likely never have.
11/10/2016 8:33 PM View respondent's answers
Because it's nice to see our community represented and the characters are more relatable
11/10/2016 8:31 PM View respondent's answers
While I believe that we need not just wider representation of LGBT+ characters (e.g. bisexuality, fluidity), more representation, and fundamentally better representation, I'm not likely to watch a show because LGBT+ characters are in it. It's a cause for celebration when it happens, especially in the mainstream. But I wouldn't watch something just because it has LGBT+ characters in it. I watch something, because I love it.
11/10/2016 8:16 PM View respondent's answers
It's just not that important to me
11/10/2016 6:21 PM View respondent's answers
Because I identify with the characters and their stories more.
11/10/2016 6:18 PM View respondent's answers
Variety is the spice of life and it makes for interesting TV/Film when there is a good variation of characters.
11/10/2016 6:08 PM View respondent's answers
I watch anything regardless of whether there are any lgbt characters or not.
11/10/2016 5:54 PM View respondent's answers
Most LGBT cinema is shit
11/10/2016 5:20 PM View respondent's answers
Because there's very little representation of the lgbt community in the media
11/10/2016 4:24 PM View respondent's answers
Only if its an accurate depiction. And it's still a rarity to have gay characters in TV and film that aren't just stereotypes.
11/10/2016 3:21 PM View respondent's answers
Because it's more relateable
11/10/2016 2:49 PM View respondent's answers
I enjoy watching and learning about people similar to me.
11/10/2016 1:52 PM View respondent's answers
I don't know why to be honest. I find it familiar, and safe.
11/10/2016 1:44 PM View respondent's answers
Not bothered either way but the lgbt ones are usually more interesting - not the typical boring girl likes boy happy ending rom coms
11/10/2016 1:27 PM View respondent's answers
I don't come across them as much as I do the mainstream stuff.
11/10/2016 1:24 PM View respondent's answers
Inclusive representations are important. If a show includes lgbt characters I find it more relatable, providing those representations are a sincere reflection of the community.
11/10/2016 1:16 PM View respondent's answers
Because homosexual role are more uncommon than heterosexual roles
11/10/2016 12:50 PM View respondent's answers
More interesting character arc and depth.
11/10/2016 12:44 PM View respondent's answers
It never really bothered me whether they were gay or straight, just depends if the programme was good.
11/10/2016 12:43 PM View respondent's answers
I find it interesting to see the way their life would be portrayed through the vision of a specific director.
11/10/2016 12:42 PM View respondent's answers
I feel more engaged with a show if I find the characters and their relationships more relatable and representative
11/10/2016 12:30 PM View respondent's answers
Easier to relate to, plus i love fan girling
11/10/2016 11:54 AM View respondent's answers
Disney and mainstream TV had me denying my sexuality, I like seeing it 'normalised' although I do hate the term normal.
11/10/2016 1:14 AM View respondent's answers
I like to feel represented accurately in the media
11/9/2016 11:40 PM View respondent's answers
Because I feel I can associate better with the characters with shared traits
11/9/2016 9:53 PM View respondent's answers
Nice change
11/9/2016 8:06 PM View respondent's answers
It's important that our community is represented.
11/9/2016 7:37 PM View respondent's answers
i don't see why an lgbt+ character would make any difference???
11/9/2016 7:32 PM View respondent's answers
I tend to find the characters more relatable
11/9/2016 7:17 PM View respondent's answers
I like to see people like myself
11/9/2016 7:00 PM View respondent's answers
Because it promotes diversity and destigmatises and normalises different sexualities.
11/9/2016 6:52 PM View respondent's answers
I like to see LGBT+ characters in programs but I don't pick programs based on that. I pick them according to their story line/genre
11/9/2016 6:40 PM View respondent's answers
i like to see the media reduce stereotypes
11/9/2016 6:32 PM View respondent's answers
I just get tired of not seeing people like me
11/9/2016 6:27 PM View respondent's answers
Easily relatable to characters - as well as the unusual aspect of it (as not many programmes have gay / transgendered characters)
11/9/2016 6:14 PM View respondent's answers
Not bothered either way
11/9/2016 6:08 PM View respondent's answers
Shows with good representation are rare and are usually made better because of it
11/9/2016 6:01 PM View respondent's answers
I don't know know, more relatable I guess
11/9/2016 6:00 PM View respondent's answers
Seeing someone like you positively represented on TV does wonders for your self esteem when everything else is telling you to be ashamed for existing
11/9/2016 5:47 PM View respondent's answers
My choice in film and tv doesn't depend on the characters sexuality but rather the story lines themselves.
11/9/2016 5:39 PM View respondent's answers
There are not many high budget films that are focused on gay people.
11/9/2016 5:35 PM View respondent's answers
I view a programme based on entertainment value
11/9/2016 5:29 PM View respondent's answers
It's relevant to me.
11/9/2016 5:27 PM View respondent's answers
More accurate, as films without lgbt people are unrealistic
11/9/2016 11:12 AM View respondent's answers
Finding a strong character I can to some extent identify with gives hope, pride and motivation.
11/9/2016 2:44 AM View respondent's answers
Because I can relate better
11/9/2016 1:20 AM View respondent's answers
Storylines more likely to be relevant to me and my life.
11/9/2016 12:41 AM View respondent's answers
It has no effect on the quality of the show what sexuality the characters are, as long as the story is good.
11/8/2016 8:36 PM View respondent's answers
I like seeing stories where I can see myself, or someone like me, on screen, and those are few and far between in regards to TV and film.
11/8/2016 6:38 PM View respondent's answers
I like to see people that represent me and have experienced similar things to me, plus they tend to have more interesting, less predictable storylines than standard love stories (except for the 'all lesbians die when they're happy' trope).
11/8/2016 6:38 PM View respondent's answers
I like to see myself and my friends represented in media. I like to relate to characters because there is very little positive lgbt representation (if at all) in movies/tv.
11/8/2016 6:08 PM View respondent's answers
If it isn't full of Token characters then you can relate to it better
11/8/2016 5:55 PM View respondent's answers
Enjoy representation, and display of experiences relevant to my identity
11/8/2016 5:41 PM View respondent's answers
It is very under-represented (or even mis- or ill-represented) in media and, as a Film & Television graduate (who also identifies as queer), this is highly important for me to look into.
11/8/2016 5:33 PM View respondent's answers
I like representation, and considering the proportions of the population identifying/predicted as lgbt+ it seems very narrow minded and unrealistic to have no/very few characters the same way. Consuming media is more fun when you can identify with aspects of a character, or know other under represented people will be able to
11/8/2016 5:13 PM View respondent's answers
I like mainstream shows however I do appreciate seeing lgbt+ characters introduced in the shows. I usually find lgbt+ exclusive shows such as a lot under the gay genre in Netflix to be poor quality.
11/8/2016 4:50 PM View respondent's answers
Because I feel I can relate to these characters
11/8/2016 3:10 PM View respondent's answers
It would be more relatable
11/8/2016 3:10 PM View respondent's answers
Identify better with them. plus it's nice to feel included in society
11/8/2016 2:58 PM View respondent's answers
I am not always a fan of portrayals of gay characters. To some extent I may linger over it when deciding to watch, but to be honest quite often feel a sense of cultural cringe related to the two-dimensional, constructed nature of portrayals of LGBT characters... sorry 'bout it..
11/8/2016 2:55 PM View respondent's answers
It's just nice seeing people whose stories recognisable
11/8/2016 2:49 PM View respondent's answers
Shows that there are lgbt people I'm everyday life and normalises it
11/8/2016 2:47 PM View respondent's answers
It's good to see representation and if a character is LGBT+ I feel as though there's more to them and I identify with them better. It breaks away from the stagnant heteronormalitive slump that media is in and if done right it provides a breath of fresh air.
11/8/2016 2:44 PM View respondent's answers
More inclusive if real life situations
11/8/2016 2:36 PM View respondent's answers
I can relate to what they're going through because I'm queer myself, but it depends on the writers involved and whether or not I think it's going to be a good representation.
11/8/2016 2:36 PM View respondent's answers
They usually have a morbid tone
11/8/2016 2:28 PM View respondent's answers
Feel a bond
11/8/2016 2:28 PM View respondent's answers
Nice to see relatable charecters
11/8/2016 2:21 PM View respondent's answers
Q6 - why?

Their products and their company is for everyone
11/12/2016 11:33 AM View respondent's answers
It shows that they support us. I'd rather give my money to a capitalist company that expresses support to me rather than one that goes against us. Also, the ads they would present would also have more diversity. That's a bonus.
11/12/2016 11:27 AM View respondent's answers
I'm not updated on what different brands support.
11/12/2016 10:57 AM View respondent's answers
I don't think about it
11/12/2016 7:42 AM View respondent's answers
Probably although I've never shopped for this, I won't buy if they are anti gay
11/12/2016 12:12 AM View respondent's answers
I respect pride
11/11/2016 11:27 PM View respondent's answers
It depends what product
11/11/2016 3:49 PM View respondent's answers
I'll like or dislike the brand regardless of representatives.
11/11/2016 3:45 PM View respondent's answers
Probably would feel closer to the culture.
11/11/2016 10:51 AM View respondent's answers
It shows that the brand has integrity and is willing to advocate for their values.
11/11/2016 6:46 AM View respondent's answers
I love lgbtqia+
11/11/2016 5:42 AM View respondent's answers
It makes you feel included, I can't explain, maybe not getting stared st for shopping
11/10/2016 9:08 PM View respondent's answers
Again, diversity and acceptance of diversity is comforting and positive to see in today's culture. This draws me to products.
11/10/2016 9:06 PM View respondent's answers
Because it is important that both LGBT+ and straight people get equal representation in everything as equal rights are important
11/10/2016 9:04 PM View respondent's answers
Supporting brands that support a positive attitude towards my sexual preference with my money rather than support brands that are derogitive to our community like dolce
11/10/2016 8:55 PM View respondent's answers
It doesn't matter what the brand was tailored for, if I like it I like it
11/10/2016 8:31 PM View respondent's answers
Maybe 'more appealing' is the wrong term, but I'd certainly be heartened by it, and consider it to be a 'safe brand', which I know I can trust. In the same way that Absolut Vodka has supported LGBT+ issues for decades. And it might make me more likely to buy it, in the context that I know I'm not funding hate.
11/10/2016 8:16 PM View respondent's answers
Once again it's not important to me, I'm not going to like something more, just purely because it features LGBT people
11/10/2016 6:21 PM View respondent's answers
Because I like to support businesses who acknowledge me and my life.
11/10/2016 6:18 PM View respondent's answers
If I like things by a brand it is defined by the products quality.
11/10/2016 6:08 PM View respondent's answers
It shows they have no prejudice against the lgbt community.
11/10/2016 5:54 PM View respondent's answers
I buy what I want. Not what people want me to want.
11/10/2016 5:20 PM View respondent's answers
Because I buy brands based on how appealing they are
11/10/2016 2:49 PM View respondent's answers
I appreciate the bravery.
11/10/2016 1:52 PM View respondent's answers
It shows that the company isn't stuck in old thinking.
11/10/2016 1:44 PM View respondent's answers
Shows they are liberal and probably just a better brand
11/10/2016 1:27 PM View respondent's answers
Because so often advertising only appeals to archetypes of society, eg housewife who needs cleaning products to make the home lovely for her man, a man who needs a good clean shave for his woman to find him attractive. Subverting those norms shows that a brand cares about its consumers no matter what their sexual orientation.
11/10/2016 1:16 PM View respondent's answers
It shows support for LGBT
11/10/2016 12:50 PM View respondent's answers
A brand is a brand no matter who it is aimed at.
11/10/2016 12:43 PM View respondent's answers
Indifferent about this. I think its good that adverts are beginning to represent LGBT relationships but it shouldn't be done for shock value, it should just happen and assimilate into society.
11/10/2016 12:42 PM View respondent's answers
Everyone should be represented within media, it means i relate more
11/10/2016 12:35 PM View respondent's answers
I like a company that prides itself on appealing to a wider audience, rather than solely white heterosexual cis men. It shows a progressive and open ethos and I'm more likely to buy into a company that has a moral framework that i support
11/10/2016 12:30 PM View respondent's answers
If the brand promotes values I like then I'm more inclined to buy their products
11/10/2016 11:54 AM View respondent's answers
I honestly don't know. Maybe but don't know why
11/10/2016 1:14 AM View respondent's answers
pinkwashing is a very annoying reality
11/9/2016 11:40 PM View respondent's answers
I don't feel like brands really need to appeal to my gender or sexuality because they often don't affect each other. However I wouldn't support a brand that was anti LGBT
11/9/2016 9:53 PM View respondent's answers
Cause I support this movement
11/9/2016 8:06 PM View respondent's answers
I love seeing the lgbt+ community acknowledged and included.
11/9/2016 7:37 PM View respondent's answers
advertising rarely affect my opinion on a product, and really only inform me of its existence.
11/9/2016 7:32 PM View respondent's answers
Im more concerned over the price/effectiveness instead of how it is being represented
11/9/2016 7:17 PM View respondent's answers
shows they are helping LGBT to be more visible
11/9/2016 7:00 PM View respondent's answers
I find it encouraging and brave when advertisers make the effort to be inclusive and so long as I also like that brand I will make the effort to buy more of their things.
11/9/2016 6:40 PM View respondent's answers
Capitalism sucks regardless
11/9/2016 6:27 PM View respondent's answers
I appreciate when companies support the LGBT+ , but I don't have enough money to be picky about where I shop
11/9/2016 6:14 PM View respondent's answers
Does not make me sway either way
11/9/2016 6:08 PM View respondent's answers
I tend to ignore advertising in general, and ads that include representation of LGBT+ people often come off as pandering
11/9/2016 6:01 PM View respondent's answers
Depends. If a brand with a history of discriminating against its queer employees tries to advertise specifically to the queer community and hasn't done anything to change that discrimination, no.
11/9/2016 5:47 PM View respondent's answers
Because why on earth would that make a difference we can fight for equal rights to then only choose things because they specifically speak to LGBT people
11/9/2016 5:39 PM View respondent's answers
targetting a specific audience won't hangs my opinion of the item. If I like the item I would purchase it. However, I would avoid purchasing things from anti-gay organisations.
11/9/2016 5:35 PM View respondent's answers
Use a brand based on it's reputation for quality and affordability.
11/9/2016 5:29 PM View respondent's answers
11/9/2016 5:27 PM View respondent's answers
It would spark my interest
11/9/2016 11:12 AM View respondent's answers
Giving support to LGBT brands is always a step forward to gaining equality
11/9/2016 2:44 AM View respondent's answers
Because they support it
11/9/2016 1:20 AM View respondent's answers
I often have the feeling those brands are just fishing for new LGBT consumer groups. However, I thinks it's important that LGBT is represented in advertisements as it normalises diversity. But I think brands using those images should not only pay lip service to that diversity. They should also support the community, eg by supporting their LGBT employees or donating to LGBT causes.
11/9/2016 12:41 AM View respondent's answers
Including all groups in advertising is always a good sign whether it be sexuality, race or religion etc.
11/8/2016 8:36 PM View respondent's answers
I think most of the time, brands "appealing" to LGBTQ+ folks is just corporate pandering primarily to cis white gay people, with no real policy or action behind it. It's nice to see in advertising, but again the "representation" in the ads seems to be primarily composed of cis, white, gay people--largely men. The example ad used above is actually a perfect example of what I'm talking about-- two wealthy looking, presumably cis, white, gay men used to sell a very expensive corporate brand.
11/8/2016 6:38 PM View respondent's answers
I am more likely to notice them.
11/8/2016 6:38 PM View respondent's answers
Find it easier to relate to characters.
11/8/2016 6:08 PM View respondent's answers
Shows of inclusivity help normalise our identity and fight stigma
11/8/2016 5:41 PM View respondent's answers
Same as above.
11/8/2016 5:33 PM View respondent's answers
I like being acknowledged as real
11/8/2016 5:13 PM View respondent's answers
Never something I thought of
11/8/2016 5:06 PM View respondent's answers
Specifically relating to makeup; I love seeing makeup advertised by lgbt representatives such as jefree star and rupaul alumni as they speak to me as they are like me.
11/8/2016 4:50 PM View respondent's answers
Yes, I would be more likely to be drawn to a brand that I feel makes an effort to be inclusive of LGBT individuals.
11/8/2016 3:10 PM View respondent's answers
just the comfort of knowledge
11/8/2016 3:10 PM View respondent's answers
I don't care who it's endorsed by as long as the product is good
11/8/2016 2:58 PM View respondent's answers
Given the lack of visibility of LGBT lifestyles in wider society, I find it encouraging and affirmative, and am thus likely to be more predisposed to purchase the product, or at least give it more attention/deeper consideration.
11/8/2016 2:55 PM View respondent's answers
It's a risk for a brand to do something like this so I respect them more
11/8/2016 2:49 PM View respondent's answers
Directed more at the lgbt group so it relates more to their needs and styles
11/8/2016 2:47 PM View respondent's answers
It shows a company willing to accept progress, even if it is to make a quick buck.
11/8/2016 2:44 PM View respondent's answers
Regardless of LGT representation ( not B inclusive ) if I don't like the brand then i wouldn't buy it.
11/8/2016 2:36 PM View respondent's answers
I feel like a lot of brands are jumping on being LGBT friendly because it's now socially dangerous not to. Unless theyre donating to charities or using their platform for education then it feels a bit like purple-washing.
11/8/2016 2:36 PM View respondent's answers
I can't think of any examples but I don't imagine it would have much influence on me
11/8/2016 2:28 PM View respondent's answers
Rather buy off a company that isn't homophobic or transphobic
11/8/2016 2:28 PM View respondent's answers
Appreciation of the representation.
11/8/2016 2:21 PM View respondent's answers

Q7 - What examples of LGBT representation in the media and advertising are you aware of?

Target commercials, maybe a few Netflix shows. That's the extent of mainstream media I know of personally that has representation. Also the Golden Girls, if you'd like to count that.
11/12/2016 11:27 AM View respondent's answers
11/12/2016 10:57 AM View respondent's answers
An advert for a bank, some tv shows and very few adverts that say pride is happening for starting date to end date
11/12/2016 10:05 AM View respondent's answers
Orange is the new black Modern Family Orphan Black Some celebrities
11/12/2016 9:58 AM View respondent's answers
Shows such as t100, good wife, l word, etc. With advertising, I cant think of one
11/12/2016 7:42 AM View respondent's answers
Im aware that it's growing, I've seen IKEA commercials with lgbtq couples and there quite a few shows, but there is still very little mainstream representation and of course it's mostly white and terribly written particularly lesbian stories
11/12/2016 12:12 AM View respondent's answers
Series Characters (Modern Family,...) Hollywood Stars Politicians
11/11/2016 3:49 PM View respondent's answers
Gaye clubs.
11/11/2016 3:45 PM View respondent's answers
AAA Girls
11/11/2016 10:51 AM View respondent's answers
Only the stonewall stuff
11/10/2016 9:08 PM View respondent's answers
Sense8 is a prime example. Office had an interesting advertisement a while back featuring gender fluid models.
11/10/2016 9:06 PM View respondent's answers
Can't think of any off the top of my head but know I have seen some
11/10/2016 9:04 PM View respondent's answers
Unfortuantly not a large amount but xmens issue of a gay marriage, the real oneals, and drag race.
11/10/2016 8:55 PM View respondent's answers
Just a few tv shows
11/10/2016 8:31 PM View respondent's answers
- Absolut Vodka - RuPaul's Drag Race (I've done an essay on representations in RPDR at uni. If you want me to send it over for you to look, or even talk to me about it, my email is - The Rocky Horror Picture Show It's difficult to list examples. Because LGBT+ characters are showing up a lot more now. The best example, I believe, of a diverse representation, is RuPaul's Drag Race. In it's fluidity, transgression, breaking of heteronormative standards of gay men, and inclusion of many different gender identities. It's interesting, also, that some shows which are considered iconic in the gay community included poor/stereotypical representations of LGBT+ people. An example of which is Sex and the City. You have Stanford - an over the top, sex crazed, attention seeking gay man. Anthony - a bitchy gay man. And in one episode, Carrie dates a bisexual man, and causes a big fuss about it, claiming he's 'lacking a sexuality'. It's interesting.
11/10/2016 8:16 PM View respondent's answers
Nothing immediately comes to mind, why I guess is the whole point of this survey?
11/10/2016 6:21 PM View respondent's answers
Logo TV shows Black Mirror Episode Recent H&M advert A recent bank advert (I can't remember which though)
11/10/2016 6:18 PM View respondent's answers
Fashion TV/Film Video games Theatre
11/10/2016 6:08 PM View respondent's answers
Tv shows including orange is the new black and wentworth prison. News articles (mostly demoralising lgbt communities) Gay hate in the news
11/10/2016 5:54 PM View respondent's answers
Actors, tv presenters, artists. There is an awful lot of us out there.
11/10/2016 5:20 PM View respondent's answers
Lgbt films and shows
11/10/2016 4:24 PM View respondent's answers
11/10/2016 2:49 PM View respondent's answers
Teen Wolf, How to Get Away with Murder, Scandal, Sense8.
11/10/2016 1:52 PM View respondent's answers
I have seen a advert for that had LGBT representation. The advert come on before a YouTube video.
11/10/2016 1:44 PM View respondent's answers
IKEA has multiple adverts with same sex couples and was the first mainstream campaign to feature lgbt characters decades ago.
11/10/2016 1:16 PM View respondent's answers
Not sure
11/10/2016 12:50 PM View respondent's answers
11/10/2016 12:43 PM View respondent's answers
RuPaul - MAC cosmetics campaign in the 1990s Loads more but can't think right now!
11/10/2016 12:42 PM View respondent's answers
lush - gay is okay
11/10/2016 12:35 PM View respondent's answers
Diva magazine, Trivago advert
11/10/2016 11:54 AM View respondent's answers
Recent? Blank...
11/10/2016 1:14 AM View respondent's answers
TV storylines Independent movies Companies such as united colors of benneton and absolut vodka
11/9/2016 11:40 PM View respondent's answers
Movies like Pride, Imitation Game, tv like Sense8, Legend of Korra, Doctor Who, orange is the new black
11/9/2016 9:53 PM View respondent's answers
Youtubers like ingrid, Hannah hart, Tyler oakley etc Netflix section on gay/lesbian Series I.e OITNB
11/9/2016 8:07 PM View respondent's answers
Stonewall Netflix- Orange is the new black -orphan black -bridegroom et c
11/9/2016 8:06 PM View respondent's answers
Sense8 (one of the main characters), Cap jack (from Doctor who), Doritos rainbow (add), Gay Mountain (Channel 4), The Games Have Always Been a little gay (Canadian Olympic add).
11/9/2016 7:32 PM View respondent's answers
tv shows such as shadowhunters, sense8, black mirror, the 100
11/9/2016 7:00 PM View respondent's answers
11/9/2016 6:52 PM View respondent's answers
H&M, Sense 8, Modern Family, Gotham, Marvel
11/9/2016 6:40 PM View respondent's answers
Orange is the new black Ru pauls drag race
11/9/2016 6:32 PM View respondent's answers
Korrasami Steven Universe No.6 Doukyuusei
11/9/2016 6:18 PM View respondent's answers
More and more companies are starting to openly support and advertise gay couples - Kindle Paperwhite,
11/9/2016 6:14 PM View respondent's answers
11/9/2016 6:08 PM View respondent's answers
Steven Universe + Advnture time both contain multiple characters that are confirmed LGBT+, as well as several recent shows containing one or two characters (modern family etc.). no ads come to mind.
11/9/2016 6:01 PM View respondent's answers
More and more characters in TV shows, famous people coming out,
11/9/2016 6:00 PM View respondent's answers
Amanita - Sense8 Nomi Marks - Sense8 Lito Rodriguez - Sense8 Hernando - Sense8 Magnus Bane - Shadowhunters Alec Lightwood - Shadowhuntes Jadzia Dax - Star Trek: Deep Space 9 Kieren Walker - In The Flesh Simon Monroe - In The Flesh Willow Rosenberg - Buffy the Vampire Slayer Tara Maclay - Buffy the Vampire Slayer can't think of ads off the top of my head
11/9/2016 5:47 PM View respondent's answers
the new H&M campaign, and itv drama series, sugar rush, modern family, celeb dating, first datss
11/9/2016 5:39 PM View respondent's answers
Singers like Lady Gaga and Madonna who advocate for gay rights.
11/9/2016 5:35 PM View respondent's answers
Can't think of any
11/9/2016 5:29 PM View respondent's answers
Lgbt characters in programs such as Teen Wolf and Game of Thrones.
11/9/2016 11:12 AM View respondent's answers
Various tv show characters, tv hosts - sue Perkins etc. YouTubers. Brands and advertising include androgynous fox, blowfish etc
11/9/2016 2:44 AM View respondent's answers

Q8 - Additional comments

We only ever really see lgbt advertisements during the time when gay pride is happening. Why cant we have more lgbt advertising every day rather than just a few weeks a year.
11/10/2016 5:54 PM View respondent's answers
Your survey sucks.
11/10/2016 5:20 PM View respondent's answers
11/9/2016 7:32 PM View respondent's answers
Last question was awkwardly phrased - I don't know if it meant examples of the type of representation (ie. stereotypical, positive, queer-coded etc) or specific examples of LGBT characters.
11/9/2016 5:47 PM View respondent's answers
Yay for equality!
11/9/2016 2:44 AM View respondent's answers
It would have been good to ask about positive/adequate and negative representation separately. Eg bisexuals or trans folk are mostly misrepresented. And their representation might even do harm instead of helping the cause. It is not about quantity of LGBT people/stories in the media, is about quality. Quantity is important but secondary.
11/9/2016 12:41 AM View respondent's answers
The gender/sexuality options in this survey were very strangely incomplete. I feel like "queer," "pansexual," and "asexual," for instance, are fairly common identifiers in the LGBTQA+ community that I usually see included on publications and surveys. As a person who identifies primarily as queer, it was off-putting not to see that option, again because I usually do see it included in these types of things.
11/8/2016 6:38 PM View respondent's answers
As a transgender man I feel massively underrepresented by the mainstream media and feel that currently the only platform available for transmasculine people to be visible is on social media such as instagram.
11/8/2016 3:10 PM View respondent's answers
Good luck with your dissertation! Sounds interesting :)
11/8/2016 2:49 PM View respondent's answers
There should definitely be more
11/8/2016 2:47 PM View respondent's answers
11/8/2016 2:44 PM View respondent's answers

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